Chp7 Page 78
yeah why even bother talking when you can just do that.
HEY: No comic this coming wednesday because I’ll be spending the week prepping for the thanksgiving holiday, sorry.
yeah why even bother talking when you can just do that.
HEY: No comic this coming wednesday because I’ll be spending the week prepping for the thanksgiving holiday, sorry.
Who needs the all seeing eye when you can sniff out the truth with the all smelling nose?
Also, is that what Schtein saw when he read his memories because that’s what Jessup was thinking about at the time, or has Schtein practiced enough with his powers that he can extract specific information?
I’m not a brain guy but I think idle thoughts and memories are probably different brain functions stored in different places so schtein could quickly differentiate between two or not even read the former
Now that’s Stein in control. The fifth(?) non-panel with pure black background works so well.
“i think String Theory is a pretty cool guy. eh steals memories and doesnt afraid of anything”
*wallop :)
I could not figure out what this comment meant for the longest time.
Blame the fact that after I finish the text I still have to work on the page for like 6 more hours
also I misspelled orville ;D
I updated the page but the cache of the old page is still there.
Well from then on whenever I see the word “wallop” I’ll substitute it with “wollop” along with a suitbaly silly voice.
Dat foot be twitchin’ doe. You have approximately no time left before Phineas gets Phurious.
Am I crazy or is that Schtein’s dad? I tried going back to double check but I couldn’t find the page I was looking for. If I’m not crazy, then I guess he didn’t kill himself after all!
I’ve been reading this comic for a long ass time now and I just want to say how amazing it is. How do you manage to make a repulsive neurotic with a huge honker so damn appealing? Whatever you’re doing, don’t stop.
I think you’re right – Orville mentioned that Jessup had something to do with the death of his son:
he sucks dem memories up his noooose
also I just wanted to thank you for keeping this comment format and not using disqus. i really like just being able to put name ‘n shit in the boxes and choose whether i want to be tracked between sites :)
I hate disqus it wants me to log in? Hell with that. Hate how much stuff you have to log into on the internet nowadays. also, the less scripts running on a site the better imo
Looks like Phineas is waking up
Is that’s his dad?
And shit, yeah, if I had powers like that I’d never have to talk to people again. Win-win.
yeah but you might end up with a memory of murdering your own dad which is not… ideal…
… Worth it.
And in the background, speaking of “a leg up on their enemies”… :D
I like how Stein is going for literally the worst possible people to steal memories from