Hey, you don’t see many asexuals in the media. We often get overlooked. Is his asexuality the result of some emotional trauma? Because from what we’ve seen so far he’s a pretty twisted individual.
I don’t think so, he’s just always felt this way. Most of his young adult problems stemmed from untreated mood instabilities, which, he mentioned, he has under control now.
I could stare at the fish tanks for hours… well probably only a few minutes really, but my point being I love all the detail in his trailer/apartment/abode.
Hey now it’s not a trailer, it’s one of those beach houses on stilts. It does look kinda like that, though. The horizontal panels, the lattice under it, haha
I did think it was odd that someone who probably makes buttloads of money from his type of work would live in a trailer. Beach house does make more sense. That’s why I covered myself with abode though. c(=
i s’pose she must’ve taken his eye out for being asexual. man, that’s terrifying to me, haha… people can be pretty insistent in their advances sometimes, huh?
Thanks for the link. I read from that page on for quite a bit. I had forgotten the backstory of his relationship with Laurence. Wow! Neither seems to be aware that Steins ex-wife is Laurence’s sister and Laurence’s niece is Stein’s daughter who thinks her unknown father is dead! Makes an already great story even sweeter.
One of my favorite things is going back to the first few pages and getting back into the mindset I was in when I first started reading this, and then jumping forward and seeing how much the story, the characters, and most of all the art has grown. Grundy you are a fantastic artist!
The faces in that last panel are truly a delight to behold. It’s like nothing has changed between the two of them.
On another note, there’s nothing like a good ol’ box of YO.
Fishies! No really, amazing work on the details of the backgrounds.
Schtein’s derpy face in the last panel manages to make him look like a teenager. Laurence’s expression is clearly saying, “How can you be a genius and yet so dumb at the same time? You just rewrote Einstein’s mass-energy equivalence equation as e = moron squared, with the speed of light the speed I will kick your sorry ass out of my place if you keep talking.”
Heh, I just realized they only have one eye between them.
heh, oh yeah! Well, at least laurence can see colors. Just not depth.
Oh yeah, depth perception! How does the one eye effect his driving??
Oh, Laurence. That look of disgust fits you so well. Probably because you’ve had different versions of this exchange many times before…
“oh no my college friend hasn’t matured much. Oh dear.” :(
Been there, Larry, been there.
That’s the face of someone who’s been having these “Herville, no.” “HERVILLE YES” conversations for a literal lifetime.
Hey, you don’t see many asexuals in the media. We often get overlooked. Is his asexuality the result of some emotional trauma? Because from what we’ve seen so far he’s a pretty twisted individual.
I don’t think so, he’s just always felt this way. Most of his young adult problems stemmed from untreated mood instabilities, which, he mentioned, he has under control now.
Awesome mate. :) I’m liking Larry more and more.
I could stare at the fish tanks for hours… well probably only a few minutes really, but my point being I love all the detail in his trailer/apartment/abode.
I DID stare at them for hours! *sad trombone*
Hey now it’s not a trailer, it’s one of those beach houses on stilts. It does look kinda like that, though. The horizontal panels, the lattice under it, haha
I did think it was odd that someone who probably makes buttloads of money from his type of work would live in a trailer. Beach house does make more sense. That’s why I covered myself with abode though. c(=
i s’pose she must’ve taken his eye out for being asexual. man, that’s terrifying to me, haha… people can be pretty insistent in their advances sometimes, huh?
So she’s the person that took Larry’s eye. She just became a hell of a lot creepier.
Thanks for the link. I read from that page on for quite a bit. I had forgotten the backstory of his relationship with Laurence. Wow! Neither seems to be aware that Steins ex-wife is Laurence’s sister and Laurence’s niece is Stein’s daughter who thinks her unknown father is dead! Makes an already great story even sweeter.
I’m so happy for regular updates. Those months without updates made me sad. I love this comic.
Oh Schtein.
You just bounce from one terrible life decision to the next, don’t you?
One of my favorite things is going back to the first few pages and getting back into the mindset I was in when I first started reading this, and then jumping forward and seeing how much the story, the characters, and most of all the art has grown. Grundy you are a fantastic artist!
The faces in that last panel are truly a delight to behold. It’s like nothing has changed between the two of them.
On another note, there’s nothing like a good ol’ box of YO.
Fishies! No really, amazing work on the details of the backgrounds.
Schtein’s derpy face in the last panel manages to make him look like a teenager. Laurence’s expression is clearly saying, “How can you be a genius and yet so dumb at the same time? You just rewrote Einstein’s mass-energy equivalence equation as e = moron squared, with the speed of light the speed I will kick your sorry ass out of my place if you keep talking.”
There is something in this scene about the one-eyed advising the blind, but I am not sure what the lesson is.
Apart from “Keep away from people who are crazier than you are.”
Gorgeous shading! But most comics aren’t such a fine piece of artwork… Don’t let it slow you down!
the contents of my art actually have little to do with my updating speed.