Chapter 8 Page 45
Well, at least in the future he’ll be more empathetic about menstruation. Always a silver lining to wantonly ganking people’s memories and experiences. Although, he could probably have done without Phineas’s memories…
Well, at least in the future he’ll be more empathetic about menstruation. Always a silver lining to wantonly ganking people’s memories and experiences. Although, he could probably have done without Phineas’s memories…
Ah, I love how her hand immediately goes to that thigh knife, and in the next panel we see her poking at him with her other hand. If Schtein thinks this power broker is going to just shut herself in an elevator with no options, he would have gotten a steel counterargument! xD
I was hoping someone would notice that, I wasn’t sure if it was so small it would no longer read as a knife. Whew.
Dang! She’s brilliant at deescalation when she wants to be. Does her father have her on something like lithium to control her mood swings? Or does she only snap when a man says “no†and she has the upper hand to begin with?
Don’t worry, the knife came through loud and clear.
My eyes read it as a spatula (it aligned well with the line if bare skin), but I’m reading on my phone and it was pretty obvious from context that it was a weapon of some kind.
That knife looks like it’s got blood on it too. Don’t bring psychic powers to a knife fight.
Ah. The classic wall slam.
She’s trying, she thinks it was words…it was actually touching his nose. smh. Both are underestimating the other.
Getting people’s memories at the merest touch is going to do wonders for his love life.
I binged this comic in two days and I’m in love. I love the characters and how everything is connected. And one day I hope Marcus can be reunited with Schtein.
That “too late” just cracked me up XD
Like a quote off a meme comes to mind – “Wow I miss 10 seconds ago when I didn’t know that!”