Page Twentysix
That cat’s pretty smart for a cat, but he doesn’t know what herpes is. There’s dog-herpes, but I don’t know if there’s cat-herpes. I should look this up. TO WIKIPEDIA!!
That cat’s pretty smart for a cat, but he doesn’t know what herpes is. There’s dog-herpes, but I don’t know if there’s cat-herpes. I should look this up. TO WIKIPEDIA!!
I think it is probably true that Dr. Schtein with his asshole behavior and overt sexism and crazy gloves would be a better date than Langstrom.
Man I love that picture of Grandma in the first two panels. Old people should always look like they’re angry in portraits!
wow, i love the nuances in your comic, like the cat looking into the bottle in the 3rd panel–and it’s expression XD
I am in love with his hair the more it gets messed up.
Well… maybe there isn’t feline herpes, but I know there is feline AIDS.
There’s feline herpes. I looked it up. And this vetinarian site said like 70% of cats have it. But it also said feline herpes is as mild as a cold.
Cat’s can have herpes…
My cat has herpes in her eye. Herpes is a contact disease, not necessarily a STD. She got it from touching some other cat in the pound. It’s subdued with medication, but if unchecked it could make her go blind in that eye. So far as I can tell, it doesn’t do much but mildly irritate her and make her eye a slightly odd color. Hope that clears things up for you.
well, I kinda looked it up a long time ago, man. I made this page over a year ago, after all. Didn’t really need clearing up.
I hope your cat feels better, though!
“So what if I am a huge, crazy asshole?”
Best line ever. So what indeed?