Chp7 Page13
You know, I seem to recall, a couple chapters ago someone else mentioning attending a scientific conference very soon…
There’s also a new wallpaper up in the wallpaper section of my patreon, and I’ve got more waiting to go up very soon, hopefully with every update for a while. :D Different characters, next one’s Phineas.
I love Herville’s face in the second to last panel.
Ohhhh yes this we can boogity to. Yes indeedy do.
So complex. Did I miss an update? I’m confused. Sure I’m missing something. But it always becomes clear sooner or later. That’s what rereading archives is for. *settles back down*
I don’t see how that’s possible since I haven’t updated since the beginning of december. The “are you sure” is replying to abel telling darius to get schtein out of there. Normally I try not to have replies be on the next page like that due to webcomic formatting, but it worked out this way, alas.
I wonder if this ‘memory vampirism’ of his could perhaps be simply the first stage of further changes to come? Interesting possibility, that…
I was gonna say, what if memory vampire precedes POWER vampire?
This Mean your eeling better? =D Hope so, and well wishes to you! also I have the feeling that the Young Doktor has yet to truely come into his powers as of yet, or reveal his true power…yes. THIS ISNT EVEN HIS FINAL FORM!!!
Better enough. Yeah, he’s got some tricks up his sleeve that he’s not really aware of himself yet. He hasn’t had much time to practice yet. C:
I note how Abel is just, like, slowly sliding back down to the ground again throughout this whole page. Despite the woman’s support and leaning on the desk both.
Holy cow, that is a lot of panels (yay for plot-manuveuringings….). That gun looks boss too. :D
I nearly dropped my phone when my phone finally loaded and “Next > Last >>” lit up. I’m happy to see a new page, though I’m hoping you’re not over exerting yourself? Amazing art and story, and as always I look forward to what happens next. :3
Happy 2015 updates Grundy!
fwiw if you want a doctor that can think outside the box a bit, call Dan Freeland. He’s the only one that understands my thyroid problem. (Certainly not the local “experts” here in Austin.)