Chp7 Page 15
I have to admit to a certain satisfaction at drawing dr. schtein sitting in the rain looking sad.
Anyway, he can’t be too upset about the face punch since he’s now a legally alive millionaire (not that being a millionaire is that impressive in 2057, but it’s a good start).
Have you seen what Fuddrucker’s charges for hamburgers these days? I don’t think a million would really go all that far in 2015.
Yeah, pretty much. People win the lottery and go bankrupt. The question is is Doc capable of sustaining that level of cash, or is he going to blow it all on hand sanitizer and cocaine.
I haven’t seen a Fuddrucker’s in years, actually.
Well, bear in mind that this is an alternate history future, where the Cuban Missle crisis went to hell. Subsequently, world economics would have gone in a vastly different direction. For starters, Johnson probably never became president, or if he did, did so later. Kennedy likely survived and became a War President on the same level as Roosevelt, only more dire, and probably would not have taken such risky public ventures as what got him killed in our world for the remainder of his terms. My overall point is that we probably would still be on silver certificates if not for Johnson, and war, sadly, is good for boosting the economy in resource rich countries. At the very least, apart from the localized poverty in the wast land and more recently in Chicago disaster, inflation should have been significantly slowed down in the subsequent century since the Cuban Crisis, a hell of a lot slower then in our world. Not that I’d trade that for Nuclear hell, as much as I loath Johnson’s legacy.
interesting. Unfortunately I don’t know much about economics, but in my timeline I can confirm that kennedy wasn’t assassinated, and there were a couple of economic crashes. The US being in a bit of a dumper economy at the moment in the comic, in fact.
Looks like I’m gonna have to do some reading up on silver certificates. It’s not relevant to the story at all, but I cannot resist reading about political history!
No comment about president johnson, except I want to tell you I live in a city where there is a robot president johnson in a museum downtown who tells you G rated versions of his jokes (how that is even possible I do not know, I shall have to go there and find out)
Hell if I’d let Beavis get away with decking me.
That looked painful.
She totally looks like she could tear a man’s chest open and eat his lungs. I am not liking that lazy smile there.
Out of one rich megaloman’s fold into an other right?
It’s Bette Davis!
Well this has been enjoyable. I just discovered this tonight and had to marathon it. I love the art style and have always been a sucker for Mad Science. Anyway the point is this- thanks for your effort and time- I have been really enjoying this.
I kinda snickered at Schtein getting punched there. I mean, he was being a little snide there, so the pacing was fantastic.
And rain, right? Possibly one of the best atmospheric thing to draw.
I’m so excited that the updates are starting to come out more regularly! This is exciting.
I love the detail you put into the spokes of that umbrella! Good gracious.
Wow, after what seems like many years, Schtein is… free. I’m not used to this.
I know, right? I feel like there has to be some catch.