Chp7 Page 04
It’s still a sweet house despite those pesky tree infestations. And that cranberry juice can be mopped up, no problem!
It’s still a sweet house despite those pesky tree infestations. And that cranberry juice can be mopped up, no problem!
Oh! Of course! He’s not in color because the doc never saaaaawwww him in color!
Wow. Props for figuring that out. That’s great.
He did, though, as a kid. Right?
Not nessaceraly or he just doesn’t remember
yeah but he doesn’t remember, he was really young/not all there
THANK YOU for realizing that forgetting details is a thing that happens sometimes. I’m sick of people in movies/tv shows/etc. that can recognize someone in a crowd from a photo taken ten years ago. It’s so frustrating!
I can barely remember yesterday
Wait, what were we talking about?
I checked this site out of habit not expecting anything, but lo and behold a visit from the Midnight Grundy. So… Did Kevin Abel enter Schtein’s head ala Psychonauts? Or did Schtein pull him in?
yeah that first one. hah I wasn’t even thinking about psychonauts. Abel needs a little door to fling at people.
o gog, now all I can think about is Abel dressed up like Raz
I also love that when Schtein is looking directly at him, there’s nothing but gray in the background. Subtle but powerful.
Doc’s face in the 2nd panel is p.much my face 24/7
Glower Power
I wish I had a tree growing in my house like that. :o
Also I’ll never be able to convey how awesome those expressive backgrounds are.
same here! They’re powerful, but Grundy never abuses them; there are still lots of panels that establish the setting and where everyone is within that space. :D
I’ve had to stop reading some webcomics (cough Plume cough) because I can’t even tell what’s going on when the characters are floating in a shapeless nebula for all time. :I
Am loving this page! The story telling sure is getting weird lately!
i feel like it could still be more weird. I shall try.
MORE weird?! Pssssssh. All hail Grundy, comic overlord!
lol whatever, tone it down man
That’s def good for you! And what’s good for the artist is awesome for the comic!
He’s wearing his favourite tie =1
no he isn’t, it’s merely a sad replacement. Favorite tie is a pile of ashes under a prison. :C
H: “Oh no, I must not think of opa, or he finds out…”
O: “It’s time for your medicine.”
A: “Good, good. Let us relive these memories together. ”
How can he but lose?
How does Schtein coordinate his tie and pocket-handkerchief so well, what with the glowy eyes?
he has clerks label his clothes.
I like to imagine the doc wearing wildly non matching socks with his boring suits.
I know so many teens who intentionally wear mismatched socks. I guess it is a “thing”?
when I was a kid it was cool to wear 4 socks of various colors. There’s always some kind of thing. humans are amazing.
I wear mismatched socks but that’s mostly because my laundry machine eats all my left socks.
The more I look at this, the more I realize how awful it would be to be trapped powerless in your own mind with a belligerent stranger. I mean, it isn’t something I think about very often.
Can he physically feel that on his neck, cutting into his skin?