Chp7 Page 03 by Mr. Grundy on June 17, 2014 at 12:00 am Chapter: Chapter Seven yeah you got this all under control, right, doc?
oh dang
love your use of the panels on this page!
His eyes are normal suddenly WHAT A MYSTERY
Does Schtein’s vision fade out with camera white-noise because his eyes are robotic, or is that just the visual?
Or perchances that is a glimpse inside schitens mind?
“What did your dear old grandpa do to you?”
That is… a question with a whoooooole lotta answers.
Mostly screw him up as a child but no more than his parents
Doctor…let it go.
FF em up later…there will be a window of opportunity.
So that’s what Schtein looked like before the accident. Neat.
I like his various facial expressions wayyy too much.
Also are we gonna get cool flashbacks or what?
Yassss free yourself through a complicated mental metaphor :)
Ah I had misplaced this and had to read about 4 chapters to catch up. Your art is amazing. But, that’s obvious!
I remember them blue eyes.
No update this week? You all right there Mr Grundy?