Chapter 9 Page 9, Don’t Mind The Mess
A fun thing to do if you have company coming over is to clean the SHIT out of your house until it’s practically sparkling and then when your friends arrive be like “Please excuse the mess, life’s been crazy lately!”. It’s a fun joke. for no one.
Yes I’m updating again! Wheeoohwheeooohwheeooh that’s like the police coming for me, to check on me. Are you ok sir???
#1 dad made me laugh
Its very nice to see that you have returned to scheduled updating; thank you of that and I hope it continues. Might be time soonish to start binge read archive
I can’t wait for Orville to introduce Phineas to Orville’s “other grandkids” and his little mushroom friends. (evil smile)
I love that you’re updating! I mean sure, Yay An Update, but also I choose to interpret it as you’re doing some kind of better, in some art-posting area that took a hit. For all the comic enjoyment over the last… *checks* wow, I started reading around the explosion, 2009? Dang. okay. So anyway for all the art you’ve shared, that I’ve valued for so long, I wish you all kinds of well. RSS ftw
I rearranged my office so that my back wasn’t to the door anymore. It’s a lot easier to focus on drawing when I don’t have to constantly be on guard for people sneaking up behind me (I can’t close the door because of my cat who will go insane if it’s closed). It’s amazing how much more I can get done now.
I always had the same issue. Even in my home office, I try to face the desk so I can see the door. My last job had my computer so I could see out the window (nice) but then I couldn’t see the door and so I had to be anti-social and keep the door closed…
That’s why you need to have the door on the wall next to the window, not the one opposite the window, so that you can put your desk in the opposite angle and watch both the window and the door at once and make sure no ninjas sneak through either.
Lousy ninjas. I hate them.
Haha Phineas, kudos on finding & confiding in literally the only guy in the world who has the science to use your information to make this exact specific thing even worse.
Good to see the updates! There’s no pressure to make it regular, do what you can. I’m very excited to see this story continue.
the pressure comes from within. I’ve been in the best mood these past couple of weeks. Because I’ve been productive. Putting out comics is like I’m a little rat in a cage and I’m receiving pellets from pressing on the “publish comic” pedal.
What does the label on Orville’s water bottle say? It appears that the bottom word is “wasser”, “water” in German, but I’m having trouble deducing what the top word is based on what we can see.
Heh! It reads „Nicht Wasser“, meaning „Not Water“. One can only guess what the bottle might contain. Made me chuckle though. :p
At a guess it looks like it says ‘Nacht Wasser” but “Night Water” can’t be right.
hahah night water. That sounds like it would be gross. like the night soil in dragon quest
Woooooo Updates!
This story has lived in the dark basement of my mind for years. Every now and again I hear a bump and I go down and look. I’m always happy to find an update.