Chapter 9 page 10 – bad idea
Oh, good idea, Phineas. Oh, good idea, Orville. This will be fine.
Little delay in the update. I like to update on wednesdays but lotta bad weather this week also a big once in a life time eclipse that I had to go stare straight at (I had the glasses don’t worry). The eclipse was super cool and the storms petered out but it is still difficult to make myself work during lightning storms and when I’m anxious about tornadoes. Just one of the perks of living in Texas…
All that to say don’t be surprised if my updates are a little janky in the spring. I’ve got weather phobia!! It’s because I have experienced like 5 close calls in my life, the most recent one being just two years ago. That’s a video of one rumbling through my city. If I’d gone outside I woulda seen it, but I was too busy sitting in the laundry room having a panic attack to do that lol.
Anyway that eclipse, god damn! Can’t wait to see the next one 360 years from now :)
I can’t help but feel like the claim ‘You can’t kill me’ just represents a challenge to a suitably determined individual.
“Ja, I haf long desired to study the effects of my Nichtwasser on someone who cannot feel, how you call it, der schmerzen!”
you silly billy, the little water bottle of fluid is just minerals orville needs to stay healthy. It is actually water but with stuff in it. Probably wouldn’t kill anyone to drink it, but it would probably taste pretty bad to a normie.
Ahhhhhhhh…I’ve been building a headcanon that since he’s a ??mushroom??zombie??lich?? of some kind, that it would be full of stuff what mushrooms generally like to eat; pureéd decaying plant matter, concentrated ammonium nitrate…manure…y’know, fungus food!
oh yeah that’s basically what it is. Maybe it would be pretty bad for someone to take a swig of. I think they’d immediately spit it out though.
God I love these characters.
Oh yeah, all of this is going to turn out really well for everyone.
“You can’t kill me.”
Buddy, if we stick you in a human sized Ronco Dehydrator, you ain’t gettin’ outta that one unscathed.
but then you rehydrate him and instant orville
Okay, but like the idea of transporting Opa Orville via drying him out and rehydrating him sounds hilarious.
Now I want some Instant Orville.
Can we book him for children’s birthdays?
these are all wonderful ideas that will surely have no repercussions =
God, I love the way you write characters. :D
For years I‘ve been checking this site for updates every few days. Seeing frequent updates again feels like unexpectedly meeting an old friend! Dankeschön, Mr Grundy! :D
i so rarely comment, but i have been reading this comic for… ages. since it was in black and white. i can’t even remember when i started reading it anymore. but seeing it still update, it gives me hope that maybe one day i will be able to release my own projects even if they’ll take time to finish. it’s still such a delight to read these. i love this world, these characters, i’ve known them for so much of my life, and seeing them still exist… it makes my chest warm. thank you so much for all of this, you really are fantastic.
“How about I won’t kill you?” Smooth, Phineas, real smooth. And now you look like a four year old who tried to throw some LEGOs at the teacher during a temper tantrum but couldn’t even throw far enough and the teacher just watched them clatter to the floor and then smirked at you.
Except this “teacher” is also a supervillain/anti-villain. And oh yeah I’m sure Mr. Thanatos values Schteins existence more than yours, Phineas.
Man, I love seeing Orville just laughing his greyish-green ass off at Phineas’ arrogance. XD
Hey, I’m sure Opa Schtein can fix your little condition, Phineas, while he’s rummaging around in your brain/genes/organs! Wouldn’t that be FUN! I mean, it’s what you think you want… (lowers voice) isn’t it?
Can’t wait for Phineas seeing fungi mycelium sprout from his skin.
And hey, Phineas, if your dingdong rots and falls off, I’m sure Opa Schtein can replace it with a Common Stinkhorn mushroom (Phallus impudicus)! Maybe you should ask him to remove your sense of *smell*, too.
Your poor wife, though. But I hear mad scientists can do wonders with Myxomycetes (slime moulds) now.
If Phineas were to, say, cut Orville’s arm off, would that simply re-attach itself to the body, would the body grow a new arm… or would the arm grow into a 2nd Orville Schtein?
Hmm, nah, I’m sure if Orville could make mycelium clones of himself with his complete memories, he would have already done so. Think of the benefits! One Orville could do research while the other one went to the Opera to enjoy some music. Or maybe a 1920s Dance Hall with your wimmin in flouncy dresses dancing the Cancan.
Could be it’s possible but is wary of himself, similar to how Desty Nova, the Alita Battle Angel’s principal nemesis, can’t get along with clones of himself. Unfortunate for him that he can’t seem to make himself appear younger with them, YET.
Ah, yes the incompatible egos of those two that ensures that they won’t find common ground and team up. No mercy will be had should they ever actually see each other as comrades against the world.
I went all the way to Missouri to catch the Eclipse. However, mom wanted to come with me & she hates crowds, so I was trying to find a spot inside totality that was off the most occupied by other observers’ areas. The ChatGPT ASSURED me that Ozark would be within the path of totality, & it wasn’t crowded at all, a very lovely, quite little town. So instead of going further east like we should have, I trusted it & set up a picnic there as we waited. It was AWESOME…
…until it wasn’t QUITE. Turned out we were JUST 20 MILES west outside of actual totality, so we saw 98% of it, a spectacular “Diamond Ring” effect in a sky turned ash grey, but as the ring persisted a full minute into when totality was supposed to have finally happened, I realized we’d been had.
Let’s give two of the most terrifying characters a scene together!