Chapter 8, Page 43
Being kind of pissy for a guy who assumed he could get laid here. Herville is quite the smooth lady’s man. Someday he will find the woman who is charmed by this and it’ll be kismet.
Being kind of pissy for a guy who assumed he could get laid here. Herville is quite the smooth lady’s man. Someday he will find the woman who is charmed by this and it’ll be kismet.
Lol Pickle money.
Also, who is Kismet again?
Kismet means fate :)
I thought Kismet is who’s taking care of Marcus
Which is more embarrassing, the mass murder or being the pickle heir? My money is on the pickle.
Definitely the pickle. Way more comedic potential.
Well the pickle origin is really funny. I could send hour being happy being the pickle heir by myself. I mean… Funniest shit I’ve ever heard!
But on the other side… Well I know you were going at it as a joke but imagine how fucking awful it would to be related to a big name terrorist like Bin-Laden. Yeah imagine that but with a guy that caused more deaths than the holocaust, the holodomor, the red march and Hiroshima/Nagasaki combined.
Schtein being from pickle money is the kind of lore that really elevates this comic.
Also Eliza is being so demure here I almost forgot she tears out eyeballs
It’s even easier to forget when you realize she’s perfectly sane compared to her sister.
Someday? WHAT?
What happened to Ms. Osgood??? Was that ship never a thing? Don’t sink my shippppppp!
Whoa. Herv’s only 35? But, but his hair’s all white and balding and stuff! I’m older than he is, now. How did that happen???
his hair started going white in his teens. It happens, look at steve martin. I’m older than him too. I was younger than him when I started the comic. ugh, the march of time. :D
They make the best kosher pickles.
Oh, so he’s at least 2/3rds Jewish? Certainly somewhere between that and 50%. Don’t know why he has so many problems with that. I wonder if he has any relatively close relatives living in Israel. Was Israel on the Soviet target list in 1962? A small dense country probably couldn’t have survived the aftermath as effectively as a large sprawling one. However, they didn’t have a nuke until after’62, (although they had been working on it), in reality, so in Schtein’s world, they probably were not YET on the Soviet target list.
he has no problem with being jewish, if I gave that impression it was certainly not intentional.
Really big fan of that effect you put behind Herv in the last panel.
Also just really super psyched in general to have this comic back. I’ve read it I think 3 times at this point, it’s one of my favorites!
It’s a photo of a tree stump! :D