Page Fortynine
This is not wednesday’s update, this is today’s update! I will color it tomorrow! How confusing!
What exactly does he mean by family history thing, anyway? It could imply a couple of things! Oh well.
Man, quiet down, other racist. Those distracted guards can’t stay distracted forever. Especially if you’re yelling like that!
Does this mean that Dr. Schtein’s grandpappy is one of those scientists who got a free pass into America after WWII ended? :/c
not WWII (he was born in 1970), but sort of the same deal, yes. Different war, different group of scientists imported out of a war zone.
Ooh. Funtimes.
Don’t be tempted, Schtein! Just take the broken jaw/assrapes! D:
Wow, now I secretly want to see a picture of Schtein punching out Nazis rocky style. With lab gloves instead of boxing.
Keep up the amazing work Beckey! Really impressed with the coloring on the past pages, don’t overwork yourself!
I know someone who can(probably) draw that. I’ll ask her.
Man, I can’t get enough of Schtein’s pose in the first panel.
Good work.
This is what I noticed! It looks great!
I second this one!
I’m guessing there wasn’t really a question in the first place… Schtein probably have to help them no matter what, that poor guy.
But then he can’t be friends with JayJay… ;D;
What a charming little rat man. Such eloquence.
Also, oh shit oh shit. Poor Schtein! Save him with your magical serial killer powers, Phineas!
Like, I totally forget that Phineas was supposed to be keeping him alive! What a mess this will leave him.
Somehow I don’t see Armastus being that broken up about it. :D
That comment cracked me up so much.
First panel is a classic Schtein expression. I love it.
i want him to break out some sort of mad skillz. like pressure point crap. or shot lazors out of his mother fucking EYES!! that would be awesome.
and wouldn’t he have some sort of panick attacke from being touched? i want to see him flail!
But he doesn’t have any mad skillz. :C
maybe he’s jewish.
that’s part of it.
Whoooaaa! I didn’t realize Schtein was Jewish! I guess his light hair threw me off….
He is partially. Somewhere around a quarter. He wasn’t raised in the faith, though.
He would because he’s not religious.
I dunno if it’s a lack of self preservation. Perhaps more like a really bad anger problem. And just looking at Drew pisses him off.
I get the feeling that when Drew counts, he always does it on his fingers.
oh no, is that bad? :C
*fails every math class*
Well, these are surprisingly amiable prison brutes. Lucky Schtein. I imagine most guys around here would have beat him into a pulp *before* negotiating.
Drew has a few brain cells rolling around in his head, I guess. Saw something that Schtein could do for him, so let’s try to be nice at first. Then he’ll smear him if he doesn’t comply.
I love this page! it’s soooo Colorful!
Yeah, it’s a glowy, fiery place. So fun to color those kinds of scenes.
God, Schtein, stop being such a coy bitch or you really will get raped. :|a
Haha, Panel 1 Schtein cracks me up
Watch out for this on the last two panels
I think she uses it effectively here. It’s a sudden switch from Schtein being on the left, which means he speaks first and is the leader of the action, to the big guy grabbing him and taking control.
I expect to see the big guy on the left on the next page.
Oh yeah, I remember that rule. I’m just usually so caught in up trying to make sure the dialogue reads correctly, so I flip scenes around a lot. This may be a problem I need to pay more attention to.
Comics is hard! Too much to think about!
But that’s part of the fun, also.
If I was Schtein I would’ve taken them up on the offer and then probably betrayed them at some point.
But that’s just me. Can’t wait to see where this goes.
He’s just not street smart like that, hahah. C:
No, Schtein’s on his own with this one. Phineas said that he could help by giving him the shank but “if he can’t survive prison he isn’t worth much” (or something to that effect). I’m a bit surprised with the tone Schtein is taking with “Muscles” considering he could snap him in half if he ever felt like it. Anyway, can’t wait to see what happens next.
He has a history of picking fights he can’t possibly win, though.
Phineas has some interest in keeping Schtein alive, but not much.
Oh Schtein, can’t you hear a good deal even if it comes from a convicts mouth?
I wonder if the doc (the German) does not want to help the buff guy because of all his SS and swastikas on his body.
Well, who would? :D
I love the little guy’s face!
Ah :) And Schtein gets his first real glimpse at a life of crime. The question is… will he do it? Thanks so much for the regular updates. This is the only regular comic I follow and it’s great being able to come every Wednesday and know I’ll get to read about Schtein being as hilarious and wimpy as ever :D
Hahah, I’m not sure whether to take that as sarcasm or not, since you’re coming in during one of the most sporadic updating periods I’ve had in months.
I’ll just assume you didn’t realize. Maybe I oughta keep my big bazoo shut. ;)
Aw, but seriously, thank you. Schtein is hilariously wimpy. But maybe not for long? (no, probably forever)
Panel 4 is the world’s best expression of horror and disgust and revulsion blended into one.
Does anyone else think this guy looks like Dr. Schtein?
Jeffrey MacDonald:
wow, maybe a little bit. Definitely not intentionally. Wow, what the hell, what a terrible guy. :/
OMG! the frikin expression on his face and the finger pointing is totally a Schtein expression! Weird…
I fucking love Schtein. XD he’s adorablewut >.>
I used to read Hannah is not a boys name, and this. I quit Hannah is not a boys name, because String Theory is so much better. In my opinion! I love the plot, and the faces and poses Schtein pulls make me happy. c:
Schtein, you dense mofo.
Get out of there!
ST is lookin great as always.
Love expounds from me like a pair of radioactive rubber pants. KEEP IT UP MANZ. Next thing I exspect is a print of this comic. NEXT THANG.
ANYONE’S mom could take Schtein.