Chp7 Page 36
fingers crossed I’ll be updating again this coming wednesday.
Also jeeze how long has it been since these two have been on the same page? well, actually not that long. Okay, but how long’s it been since they’ve been in the same location! Now that’s a long time!
eyes normal, no gloves. I always read your gorgeous comic pages a few times, and noticed this after a few looks. I guess this is in the past then :Oc
It’s not, actually! Present time. I’ll explain the eyes eventually in the dialogue, but it’s not anything that interesting.
I’m guessing “Thanatos offered him a new pair of eyes and he took them.”
Side note, holy cow, the Characters page has been revamped. Gonna need to work my way through that some time.
I… I cannot believe how long it took me to realise that. I supposed I must have been distracted by the unexpected hotness and imminent mind crimes.
This page is absolutely beautiful. There’s just something about the architecture, the expressions….damn. This is why an update from you is always a pleasure! (The first and third panels are exceptionally lovely)
Schtein… Schtein, NO. SCHTEIN, NO. SCHTEIN, STOP.
…WIMPs? dark matter? what’s that got to do with stable black holes? i mean, they’ve got no more mass than regular particles, they just don’t really respond to the electromagnetic force.
I’m just repeating a bunch of stuff some scientists wrote in papers. I am not a scientist myself.
But it was something about a theory that micro black holes could be wimps, something something dark matter, something something words I don’t understand.
oh ok that’s fine. mostly i was just showboating cause i knew what weakly interacting massive particles were :P
Schtein quit bein so HANDSOME
The eyes tho, hmm… Contacts?
SO. DAMN. GORGEOUS. All of it. Blrgrgbl. Cheers for updates! Cheers for feeling good enough to update! Cheers for mischievous grins!
Is it just me, or has your art skill multiplied in the time since your last update?
well it has been two months. except, I drew most of this page like 5 months ago so I don’t know.
I was wondering if I’d missed an update on Phineas’s… “curse”… being “cured”.
Anyway, I wonder what our favorite involuntary manslaughter perp is up to now. Also, hi Delilah! Will the two finally get to make contact after so long?
hah there’s a new mispelling of her name. It’s Delia. :D
(usually I get Dahlia, which is odd, Delia is a more common name… I thought, anyway)
I’ll get back to Phineas soonish. He’s not being cured, that injection is temporary.
I’ve seen two different spellings, one in an update (forgot which) and another in the character desc. Ah well.
Yeah, I know the effects of the injection are temporary, but I figured the “salvation” would be permanent (that’s the word I was looking for, damn I’m tired). So I wasn’t referring to his condition, just the part where he believes he can’t go to Heaven because of said condition from his “unclean” birth.
haha I sincerely doubt I misspelled my own character’s name. I think you’re just miss-remembering. I’m not getting onto you, it happens all the time. The amount of people who call Dr. Schtein ‘Stein’ for instance.
Read my tone as one of good humor because that’s how I intend it. :)
Ahhhh I didn’t get what you mean. That’s a good question, but I think it would take a LOT of atonement for Phineas to feel secure in his afterlife. I don’t think he’ll ever think he’s capable of going to heaven or whatever it is he believes. It’s pretty close to Gnosticism, except super mean. Maybe he thinks simply by helping others achieve gnosis he’ll attain the keys to the kingdom himself. So Thanatos’ gift of pain won’t make a difference either way in the end, but he couldn’t resist feeling the sensation he’d been missing out on.
Of course in gnosticism only a few chosen people go to heaven, the rest go to hell, which is different from regular christian hell in that it’s more like just plain earth and not a fiery torture scape. Maybe he’s into reincarnation, it seems somewhat similar.
Yay the comic is back!