Chapter 9, Page 1
One of those graffitos says “DONUT” the rest is just random words and gibberish. much like real life graffiti. I wish I’d had a camera or something, but this was back in the days before cellphones were ubiquitous, but I once watched a train slowly go past and on the side was the most ornate, lovingly painted, GIANT rendition of the word POOP. Graffiti is good.
Also, you’re too good to us. This looks like it took *forever*. I’m simultaneously admiring and concerned for your wrists.
Thirded. Strong good-art energy here.
I’d say it takes me an average of about 12 to 24 hours to make a page. this one was a 24 hour one. It’s the line art that takes the longest tbh
An update! Woo Hoo!
I love me some good train graffiti!
well this is certainly uh
a thing
that is happening
oh gods
Oh man it’s all so grimy and gorgeous <3
He took a taxi? How will he take him to a hospital?
Wonder how he will help his friend.
New page! Neat!
Unfortunately, Herville has the wrong kind of doctorate for emergency surgery. And the wrong kind of lab.
Perhaps his grandfather can help. What am I saying, sure “Opa” would be delighted to help! That in itself is a problem.
It has been years since I stumbled on this comic and no matter how long it takes, the next page always makes me excited to see it.