Page Nine
I’m gonna go ahead and tell you, since I know someone will ask, he takes his gloves off when he eats if it involves touching his food. Also I realized I’ve never drawn him eating before!
Also check out how happy Drew is about that gross piece of bologna. What the heck!
I’m a hopless shipper… I’m starting to pair Drew x Schtein
But Drew x Bologna is so much better!
oh, no, I don’t even want to think about that. D:
Drew: Ooo! Meat! *nom nom nom* I love good meat….good big meat.
Ah! So filling!
What was that sandvich? Kill them all? GOOD IDEA!
What the hell is wrong with you people?
lots of things, probably.
Yeah lots of things.
…What is this I don’t even…
Drew’s eye’s look SO big in that last panel. He must freakin’ love bologna.
kasjd;flkaj And I look down to see that someone’s already made the joke. :I
Okay if Schtein looked at me the way he’s looking at Drew in panel 2, I would pretty much wet myself, and not in a good way. I guess that’s why I’m not cut out for prison…
Hehe…Drew’s adorable. I love Schtein’s hands…they’re just great.
Drew believes in the five second rule, or ten. He’s in prison, so hygiene isn’t very big.
“Bologna! Don’t mind if I do…!”
Wow, good job on that crowd. Lots of drawing. I also like the first two panels!
thanks! I shoulda just copy and pasted the whole thing, hahah.
I really love the first two panels, especially that hate glare from Schtein in #2!!!
Man I can stare for hours at all that detail… Schtein’s red hands, and that crowd… wow.
And is that Phineas on the left of the last two panels (panel 3 too)?
Oh man! It completely is. No matter how closely I look at these pages, I always end up missing some crazy little detail.
Good eye! There’s also a batman reference somewhere in the crowd. Shhh! :y
I think I see it – he’s missing his little friend though :)
What about younger Stein in the first panel?
Looks like time travel is indeed possible!
And yet he still ends up in jail.
At first, I read that as “There’s also a batman somewhere in the crowd” and I was all “but why’s Batman in prison? :c”
Batman’s in prison??? ;A;
You’re a wonderful story-teller… even when there’s only a conversation that would otherwise be serious/could be kind of boring going on, you just find the way to make us smile or even laugh to keep our attention… amazingl xD
Bologna makes everyone laugh. It’s the silliest sandwich meat!
I think my favorite part of this bit is Drew saying “Hey, we had to teach you a lesson”–he’s *almost* likeable there.
He’s only mostly a bad guy. Naw, kiddin’, he’s terrible. He was probably not as terrible before prison, though.
That’s how it works. First crush the subject into pieces, then be reasonably civil with him and he will be remain very loyal.
Drew’s like, AND NOW WE ARE BEST FRIENDS~ n 3n
Ohhhh Drew and his knuckle tats. It’s the little things :)
Oh also, Schtein has a red nose… Why? Is he drunk again?
Naw, I’ve been coloring his nose slightly red for a while now. Trying to make him look less corpselike.
Although, it’s not like booze isn’t easy to come by in prison. If you’ve got the cash or the trade, anyhow.
I get the feeling the tats on his left hand should be spelling Yeah in that last panel, though.
Drew and Bologna = OTP
What a great bumper sticker idea!
“Because everyone flicks their food onto gross tables before they eat it!” …okay Drew.
And that was an excellent bologna flick right there, complete with grossed out expression. Sweet.
Doc’s grossed out by meat pretty much all the time, but bologna’s just adding insult.
I don’t much care for prison bologna either. Good call, doc.
bologna’s just gross, but I bet prison bologna’s even worse. Grade F trimmings of grade F meat parts. Probably tastes like carboard or sawdust.
Not really, but surely it has this slightly slimy texture that makes one think if it’s still edible, even if the smell remains OK.
If I had a nickle for every mustard sandwich i’d eaten in jail, i’d have been able to get a better lawyer.
Drew looks Cute in the last panel…!
What an another side of him!XD
He’s a big, goofy ol’ racist.
I see Phineas is listening intently in the background. Or some other bespectacled blonde (panels 3, 7, and 8).
I really love the detail in this page. Especially the water bottle. Wheee!
Drew almost seems like a tolerable human being in the last panel.
“Ooh! Balogna!”
last panel: no *nom* *nom* XDD
love this face ^^
I spy Phineas and Krow in the background with my little eye! Or maybe that’s just another guy with a bandage nose….
Also, there looks to be a younger version of Schtein in the first panel background!
Since there’s so much detail, I feel compelled to study this page closely. In the second panel, when the right-hand thug is shuffling someone off screen, who is that supposed to be? Only the left-hand-most prisoner on that side of the table had a jacket…
oh, crap. Whoops. That’s definitely a goof. A symptom of working all close up and not looking at the other panel while drawing it, I guess!
Wait…what are those marks on Schtein’s hands? Are those like, chemical burns?
no, he just washes his hands too much. Especially when he’s stressed out. It’s a rash.
Schtein is going to b lod people up again, and I think Drew knows he’s on that list.
Drew is completely all about the simple pleasures. Beatin’s, bitches, and bologna.
The best things start with b.
Is… is there an Arnold Wesker in the prison?
Ugh, that bologna is soo utterly disgusting. Especially the little slime trail oozing off of it in the last two panels. Awesome job!
Actually bologna in general is pretty gross. Same with sausage and frozen philly steaks. Gross Gross Gross.
Poor Schtein.
Nice job handling all the people moving about on the page. Also. . . Who is our favorite serial killer eating with?
for a minute I totally thought that his hand had ‘Avon’ tattooed to it xD
XD haHAA, the expressions in this page have to be the absolute BEST. ESPECIALLY that last one of both of them X3 They are both so cute. <3
Pfft, I love how Drew and his gang just push everyone out of their chairs. I kinda feel bad for the guys who were there first, though. I mean, the cafeteria looks pretty full and it doesn’t look like there’s any places free. Hopefully they were already done eating.
I recall someone telling me that when he was in Denmark, he met a Neo-nazi who was a pretty nice guy. Apart from the fact of his misguided viewpoints of course.
I’m sure white supremacists are very nice. If you’re white.
gross man don’t touch food with your ‘fuck’ hand, but then again maybe the ‘kill’ hand isn’t much better…
Beckey: they’re alright till you mention you’re part hessain jew.
Nah. Schtein will just have to pretend to hate Jews… (or actually hate them)… like a certain dead mutual friend we have a tendency of comparing whomever we hate to. (eg Obama, Bush, etc…)
Potential evil doctor + potential evil minions Bonding Time!
lol Drew in the last panel is an exact replica of the the face of the guinea pig from the lab
Man, Drew’s expression is the best. He’s all C8 BOLOGNE.
Also I fail at spelling a little. ^^;
Schtein in panel 2 plus a HATE SWIRL would make a bitchin’ avatar.
Ahah. Why am I failing so hardcore today. ^^;
Does that sandwich have cheese on it? Gotta keep kosher.
…first panel, lower left—Luca deSadar was finally deposed and sent off to the big house? :D
i freakin’ love bologna. I could really go for such a wide slice right now. Yeahhh.
Good drawing. It really looks yummy^^
Aww, panel five! Cute!
I shouldn’t like Drew, but I do.
OMG I didn’t notice at first the guys being “kindly requested” to go away… XD
That handlebar mustache makes Drew’s smile in the last panel five times funnier. Why is it that one page–ONE PAGE–with him acting goofy over bologna and sort-of apologizing to Schtein can completely change how much I’ve disliked him since he showed up?
Somehow Doc’s sandwich-eatin’ face in the second to last panel is even better in my eyes than Drew’s face in the last one. He just looks like a… like a… traumatized hamster or something. <3
Drew seems like an upstanding guy, besides the skinheadness and attempted prison rape.
There’s something suspicious about that bologna, page before this considered.
ffff I missed this update till now. HIS BURNS are fantastic. I bet those bgs made you want to kill something, but they look great.
I just want to see Doc kill him and look into his eyes as he is burning and tell him why just before he meets his final judement.
“You know I had to teach you a lesson —– RIGHT?!”
Just before the big incineration.
Hey – doc’s a jerk. But not a psychopathic racist nazi amoral sociopathic unredeemable piece of human garbage.
That deserves to burn in hell.
Actually, It’s a brilliant plan.
Poisoning bologna with chemicals supplied for a bomb. The guys always bugger him at lunch, and even if they didn’t show up, he could always try it next time.
And now, when he dies 20 hrs later, no one will know it was Doc